Guided by our principles for emphasis on collaboration, networking, diversity and serving Cyprus and beyond, C4E participates in European Programs and Projects. This also allows us to attract further funding and other recourses to develop our core and other activities.

Our main criterion for partnering up with other institutions from Cyprus, Europe, Middle East, Asia etc is the added value of our participation and the overall quality of the consortium. We are proud to have been part of proposals under Horizon2020, Erasmus+, Interreg, Cross Border Collaboration Greece-Cyprus, ENPI, BalkabMed etc.


NETKITE – Cross-border NETwork to foster Knowledge-intensive business Incubation and TEchnology transfer

Programme: ENPI CBCMED

Ref No.: II - B/1.1/0068netkite logo

Priority 1 - Theme 1.1 Support to innovation and research

Starting Date: December 4, 2013

Duration: 24 months

Total budget: € 1,803,231

The general project objective is to create a cross-border network, focused on existing or new public/private partnerships, inspired by the approach of open innovation and Living Labs, to support the transfer of innovation in order to make it functional to growth and modernization of local economic systems and the generation of new skilled and sustainable jobs.


Arca consortium (lead Partner) - Italy

DIOGENES - European Business Innovation Centre - Cyprus

CEEI - Centre Européen d’Entrepreise et d’Innovation multipolare des Bouches-du-Rhône - France

ASRT - Academy of Scientific Research and Technology - Egypt

JUST - Jordan University of Science and Technology (Jordan)

SUST - StartUp System Tunisie - Tunisie

PAUC - Palestine Ahliya University College - Palestinian Territories

For further information, please visit the official website.

Mentoring Startups (MESUP)

Programme: Cross Border Collaboration Greece-Cyprus 2007-2013MESUP

Starting Date: July, 2011

Duration: 24 months

Total budget: € 295,000


The Science and Technology Park of Crete (STEP-C)

Diogenes Business Incubator Cyprus

MESUP major idea was the development of series of actions and pilot applications aiming at the collaboration of business incubators in Greece (Crete) and Cyprus for the support of startups and spinoffs.

Main goals:

  • Increase competitiveness
  • Support Entrepreneurship
  • Support Research and Technology
  • Support Human Resource Development

Main deliverables:

  • Online platform with educational material
  • Entrepreneurship Competition
  • Educational and Networking Events

For more information please visit the website.

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