Event Overview
Harry Hatzakis, the founder and CEO of Biotronics3D, tells how, at a time of extraordinary change in healthcare, he and his team created and used new business, technology and philanthropic models to drive growth. Showing how Biotronics3D not only survived the embryonic phase of a technology startup but also how the innovation crossed the market chasm from early adopters to mainstream markets and how we secured the first “thousand users” contracts. By doing that he defined the company as the market leader of the cloud computing in medical imaging, and changed the way Doctors use software applications.
Harry’s story will help business leaders and entrepreneurs stand out, innovate better and grow faster in any economic climate.
Medical Imaging, innovation, cloud platform, collaboration.
Harry Hatzakis an accidental CEO. Let me please begin with a confession: I am a CEO who was trained in business only loosely and only much later in his life; However, I fanatically remain and will remain a self-declared nerd, with profound thirst for technology innovation, and a passion for old, red Alfa Romeos, sailing and Miles Davis. I founded and co-founded a number of companies trying to create a “controlled” workbench for my crazy ideas and my “what-if” scenaria. Years later, I consider interesting that some of those crazy ideas resonated with a big part of the market and I have managed to build commercial success out of it. Good for us! But what was even better for me, was the copious amounts of adrenaline I felt in my body every time I was testing my “what-if” hypotheses for the first time. Because it is extraordinary how much you can push the boundaries of innovation if you lose your ability to sleep at nights; an experience that I feel very privileged to be part of, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.
Harry studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Thessaloniki, did his PhD at Imperial College and studied business at the Kellogg School, Northwestern University. He is the CEO and founder of Biotronics3D and is an NED for a number of SME technology companies. He is Entrepreneur in Residence at the Coventry University and Visiting Entrepreneur at the University of Greenwich.
Please visit: http://hhatzakis.wordpress.com
Thursday, October 4, 2018, 17:00
Faculty of Economics and Management, Building FEB 01 (MBA Building), Amphitheatre B223 , Level -2 University of Cyprus
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