In this introductory presentation we will go through the main points of innovation and entrepreneurship: definition, types, sources, factors that might drive or hinder the diffusion of innovation and the importance of protecting intellectual property. We will also discuss on how entrepreneurship can be used as a vehicle to implement innovation, the difference between an entrepreneur and an inventor, the main characteristics of an entrepreneur and the advantages of setting up a business. Examples and videos will be used during the presentation along with a lot of discussion.
*C4E 101: Series of Lectures in Innovation and Entrepreneurship APPROVED
**The presentation will be given in Greek
Dr Anastasia Constantinou, Head of Innovation Management Unit, Research Support Service
Wednesday, 23rd January 2018, 14:00-16.00
University of Cyprus Building FEB 01 (MBA Building), Amphitheater B224 , Level -2
Centre for Entrepreneurship, University of Cyprus
Innovation Management Unit, Research Support Service, University of Cyprus
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