EIBI's 2017 Social Innovation Tournament
Call for proposals
EIBI's 2017 Social Innovation Tournament
Objectives and description
The European Investment Bank (EIB) Institute organises its sixth Social Innovation Tournament (SIT).The SIT recognises and supports the best European social entrepreneurs. It is organised every year in a different country to reward and sponsor European entrepreneurs whose primary purpose is to generate a social, ethical or environmental impact.
The SIT promotes the generation of innovative ideas and rewards opportunities that fight against social exclusion, covering projects in a wide range of fields – from education, health care and job creation, to new technologies, new systems and new processes.
All projects compete for four prizes in a General Category, and this year projects addressing the topic of ageing will also compete in the Special Category. Winning projects in both categories are awarded a 1st and 2nd Prize of EUR 50 000 and EUR 20 000 respectively.
Eligible activities
Projects are typically related to combating unemployment, marginalisation of disadvantaged communities and promoting access to education in a wide range of fields, from education and health care to natural or urban environment, through new technologies, new systems, and new processes.
Submissions can be at different stages of the project cycle. Proposals can be innovative ideas which could be implemented within a reasonable time frame and have substantial benefits for society, or already implemented innovative solutions with tangible outcomes in terms of social impact which could serve as best practices and replicable models.
Any proposal that helps to find a solution, whether directly or indirectly, will be considered. Please note that the selection criteria include the relative significance of the problem targeted, the sustainability of the proposed innovation and the estimated social impact of the proposed solution.
All proposals must be accompanied by a general business plan and financial basics. Although a formal business plan is not required, the proposals need to be clear and convincing, so the key elements of a business plan such as a description of the product or services proposed, an assessment of financial and other resources required and demonstration of the overall sustainability of the proposal are essential. The business plan could include information about: unique value proposition, traction to date (number of users/people affected), funding to date (investments, grants) and the planned use of funds. Financial basics are also requested with information about costs (running costs and large items in your budget), revenues (past, present and projection) and break-even scenario(s).
Only proposals submitted in English or French will be accepted; proposals submitted in other languages will not be considered.
The Tournament runs in two rounds. A Selection Committee comprised mainly of EIB Group experts in innovation, the environment, and other relevant disciplines select 15 finalists. The finalists are invited to a mentoring bootcamp to provide them with the necessary guidance for the finalisation of their proposals. In the Final Event, all the finalists have to present and defend their project to a Jury composed of social innovation specialists.
In 2017, the Final Event, will take place in Riga, Latvia on 21 September, where the fifteen selected projects will compete for the 4 prizes and several mentoring vouchers.
Eligible participants - Minimum conditions
The EIB Institute Tournament responds to the considerable need for greater emphasis on Social Innovation and aims to attract interest from both non-for-profit and for-profit organisations, mainly from young entrepreneurs and social enterprises, corporate responsibility departments of private-sector companies of any size, NGOs and government or local government entities and university communities. Entries from student teams are also welcome.
The Tournament is open to individuals or teams from (or residing in) the European Union Member States, Candidate and Potential Candidate countries, and EFTA countries that submit proposals to be implemented in one or more such countries.
Funding conditions
All projects compete for the General Category and Special Category 1st and 2nd Prizes of EUR 50 000 and EUR 20 000 respectively. In 2017, the Special Category Prizes will go to projects focusing on ageing. No winner may be awarded more than one prize.
Deadline of proposals' submission
The deadline for the submission of proposals is on 1 March 2017 at 23:59 Central European Time (CET).
Applicants must fill in and submit the online application form: https://institute.eib.org/applytoday/
Further information
Please find here the call guidelines.
In case of questions, please consult the FAQs: https://institute.eib.org/frequently-asked-questions-2/ or contact: institute@eib.org.
More information: https://institute.eib.org/whatwedo/social/social-innovation-tournament/