
[Mar. 20-24] Training of trainers for participation at CTIs

Training of trainers for participation at CTIs

From 20th to 24th of March 2017, FOSS and the Centre for Entrepreneurship - C4E, University of Cyprus organize the 'Training of trainers for participation at CTIs' an INVENT project.


The training will occur at the center for entrepreneurship (C4E) at the University of Cyprus (UCY) which has absorbed the training activities of the incubator Diogenes.  It provides education and training, support and mentoring, networking and even research and analysis.

When: March 20-24, 2017

Where: University of Cyprus

Goal of the training:

The training will be very interactive and will depend on participants being very active on the discussions and the idea generation.  We will be presenting from our experience in Cyprus and we will be seeking to apply those experiences to the Jordanian eco system.  For a successful workshop the participants will need to:

  • Understand the UCY entrepreneur and innovation ecosystem.  This can spark ideas to be used in Jordan.
  • Understand how to set up a national technology transfer office.  Challenges and solutions
  • Understand how innovation in specific areas of research such as green and medical technology can function.
  • Field visits to successful and innovating hi-tech Cyprus companies.
  • Sources of funding.
  • Understand EU programmes (specially Horizon 2020).
  • Understand how to build partnering with European countries.


You can find tickets for the Training and the two Field Visits at Eventbrite.

In case you are attending the field visits please also send  an email to with your contact details
or call at
22 895110.


Day 1, Monday March 20, 2017, Room 105 in SFC03 building

9:00 9:30 0:30

Welcoming attendees and overview of the workshop

Overview of the goals and the structure of the workshop.  Understanding the learning outcomes and the expectations of the attendees of the workshop
By Dr. Charalambos Anastassiou, UCY.

 09:30  10:15  0:45

Technology Transfer offices in Europe

We will hear from former employee of the centre of entrepreneurship at the university of Cyprus on the state of the art of Technology Transfer Offices in Europe. 
By Menelaos Menelaou, Director of Board Youth of Cyprus.

 10:15  11:00  0:45

Youth and Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship does not need to wait for college.  It can start early.  We will hear the vision from the director of the youth organization in Cyprus.
By Menelaos Menelaou, Director of Board Youth of Cyprus.

11:00 11:30 0:30 Coffee Break.
 11:30  13:00  1:30

Starting a mobile applications company in Cyprus

Creating an innovative entrepreneurial company in Cyprus in the field of custom mobile application design and development serving international and national local customers.

By Mr. Michalis Strouthos, CEO and founder of “Cocoon Creations”

 13:00  14:00  1:00 Networking lunch
 14:00  15:30  1:30

Running a Silicon Valley Startup in Cyprus

We will hear from the CEO and founder of the Cypriot company which was founded out of the need to easily and quickly build mobile application prototypes. Will discuss the pros and cons of having the company in US.

by Mr. Alexis Piperides, CEO and founder of

 15:30  16:00  0:30

Open Questions and discussion

Discussion moderated by Dr. Charalambos Anastassiou (UCY).

Day 2, Tuesday March 21, 2017

This will be at IDEA programme offices at  36 Lykourgou street 1011, Nicosia.

10:30 13:00 2:30

IDEA Incubator field visit

The IDEA Programme is an integrated accelerator / incubator programme, co-founded by the Bank of Cyprus and the Cyprus International Institute of Management, CIIM

  • Introduction to the IDEA Programme
    By Mrs Angela Panayiotou, IDEA Programme manager
  • Tour of the IDEA Programme premises and meeting with the teams (based on their availability on the day),
    By Mrs Angela Panayiotou, IDEA Programme manager
  • Discussion on the Cypriot entrepreneurship ecosystem and the exploitation of research results in Cyprus,
    By Dr Anastasia Constantinou PhD, MBA, Director of CIIM Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre, ENTICE, IDEA Programme coordinator, CIIM

 13:00  14:00  1:00 Networking lunch
 14:00  15:30  1:30

Startup Experience in Cyprus.  The early stage challenges

What does it mean to start from zero in Cyprus.  Where do you get the funds, who helps you, how do you identify your market?  We will get some of the answers by listening and interacting with a new entrepreneur who “has not made it big yet” and who therefore understands all the early stage challenges.

By Dr. Matthew Norton

 15:30 16:00  0:30 

Open Questions and discussion

Discussion moderated by Dr. Charalambos Anastassiou (UCY).

Day 3, Wednesday March 22, 2017.  Field visit to Limassol

09:00 16:00 7:00

Engino field visit

Engino is one of the most innovative companies in Cyprus and directly competes with world renowned company such as Lego.  It was started in Cyprus and focuses on educational toys. It is now a mature company.  We will visit the facilities and hear from the CEO and founder on the challenges of starting the company and setting up the manufacturing facility in Cyprus.

By Mr. Costas Sisamos, CEO and Founder of Engino Ltd.

Day 4, Thursday March 23, 2017 Room 105 in SFC03 building

09:00 09:30 0:30

Introduction and overview of the day’s activities

By Dr. Charalambos Anastassiou, UCY.

 09:30  11:00  1:30

Medical Device Entrepreneurship

Understanding funding, licensing from university working in one of the most entrepreneurial areas in the world, Boston Massachusetts,USA.

By Charalambos Anastassiou, UCY.

 11:00  11:30 0:30   Coffee Break.
 11:30  13:00  1:30

Survey Results on Country Wide Entrepreneurship

Will present the methodology and results of a standardized survey on assessing the entrepreneurship and innovation output of Cyprus.

By Dr. Ariana Polyviou, UCY

 13:00  14:00  1:00  Networking lunch
 14:00 15:30  1:30 

The University of Cyprus entrepreneurship eco-system

How the University of Cyprus goes from invention to commercialization.   Description of the UCY eco system.

By Dr. Marios Dikaiakos director of Centre for Entrepreneurship C4E at UCY.

 15:30  16:00  0:30

Open Questions and discussion

Discussion moderated by Dr. Charalambos Anastassiou (UCY).

Day 5, Friday March 24, 2017 Room 105 in SFC03 building

09:00 09:30 0:30

Introduction and overview of the day’s activities

By Dr. Charalambos Anastassiou, UCY.

 09:30  11:00  1:30

Green Energy Opportunities in Cyprus

Renewable energy poses some unique challenges and opportunities in Cyprus.

By Dr. Venizelos Efthymiou, Chairman of FOSS centre for renewable energy at UCY.

 11:00  11:30  0:30  Coffee Break.
11:30   13:00  1:30

Setting up a National Technology Transfer Office (TTO)

Cyprus is in the midst of setting a national TTO office.  We will review the methodology, the challenges and advantages for having a national TTO.  Would it be also a solution for Jordan.

By Mrs. Marcia Trillidou, Research Promotion Foundation in Cyprus.

 13:00 14:00  1:00   Networking lunch
 14:00  15:30  1:30

Academic Entrepreneurship at UCY

The results and the methodoloty of an extensive survey that were conducted at the university of Cyprus will be presented.

By Mr. Christis Christoforou, MBA principal for accelyservices.

 15:30 16:00  0:30

Open Questions and discussion

Discussion moderated by Dr. Charalambos Anastassiou (UCY).

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