FOSS-C4E training workshop for Jordanian TTOs
FOSS (The Research Centre for Sustainable Energy) and the Centre for Entrepreneurship - C4E ( of University of Cyprus organized a 5-day training workshop addressed to representatives of innovation centers and technology transfer offices from Jordanian universities, on March 20-24, 2017. The workshop was part of the INVENT Erasmus project, and was successfully completed with the participation of students, research and administrative personnel from the University of Cyprus.
The training featured talks by successful Cypriot entrepreneurs, innovators, professionals and academics covering subjects such as “Technology Transfer offices in Europe”, “Startup Experience in Cyprus”, “Youth and Entrepreneurship”, “Medical Device Entrepreneurship”, “The University of Cyprus entrepreneurship eco-system”, “Running a Silicon Valley Startup in Cyprus”, and “Starting a mobile applications company in Cyprus”. The workshop also included 2 field visits: to Engino, one of the most innovative companies in Cyprus that designs and produces educational toys, and to IDEA, the incubator of the Bank of Cyprus and the Cyprus International Institute of Management.
The participants had the chance to interact Cypriot entrepreneurs and academics, to learn about the Cypriot entrepreneurship ecosystem, efforts to promote the exploitation of research results in Cyprus and to expand training in creativity and innovative thinking. Participants agreed that further partnerships between Cyprus and Jordan should be discussed in the near future and more collaborations should be generated through research programs and other mutually initiated activities that involve innovation, entrepreneurship and technology transfer.
“Really inspiring, an insight on how to infuse change within creativity and innovative thinking”
“Actually, faith in one’s abilities is vital for the productive implementation of any new idea”