Techniques of group brainstorming and how to generate new ideas. Methods to evaluate an idea and build on top of it to end up with a feasible yet innovative idea/solution. We will also talk about how a team can be built, how to incentivise your team and make everyone believe in the same dream.
*C4E 101: Series of Lectures in Innovation and Entrepreneurship APPROVED
When: Wednesday September 11th 17:00 -18:30
Where: Learning Resource Centre UCY Library "Stelios Ioannou" Room 017
Centre of entrepreneurship
Wael Al Masri, Product Developer, Innovator & visionary product developer with 6+ years of developing new technologies and leading diverse teams.
At the age of 16, I started working on my first project, producing unlimited electricity from soil. Following 4 years of work I participated in WebSummit 2016 PITCH competition and made it to the final 3, out of 1600 participants and presented in front of 15.000, in addition to worldwide media coverage.
Due to my young age at that time, I had a bad experience with an R&D company I worked with for one year and the project was frozen.
Following a 4-month period of “depression”, I organized a team of 17 members from various ages and backgrounds and participated in the NASA Space Apps Challenge 2017. After a lot of ups & downs we were the global winners of the challenge and were invited for a rocket launch at Kennedy Space Center. Within less than 3 weeks we were able to raise sponsorship of approximately 80K euros to cover our expenses.
Currently, I am leading Innaton Technologies Ltd. which consists of students, professors, and experts from various backgrounds working on a tech project in the fields of Healthcare & Mechanobiology.
In 2019, I have delivered my first TEDx talk where I talk mostly about my journey and how some simple tricks helped me stand up after every obstacle I have faced while following a path criticized by most people.
Link to Wael Al Masri TEDx talk: Here
RVSP until September 11th 2019 here or